Графичният дизайн и архитектурата споделят общи принципи, особено що се отнася до композиционни проблеми.
Пускаме няколко интересни цитата от книгата Design Elements: A Graphic Style Manual на Timothy Samara
, за да подкрепим това твърдение. Авторът дефинира 20 правила на добрия графичен дизайн. Повечето важат в пълна степен и в архитектурата:
“Take a look at everything, from the big picture down to the tiniest detail, and ask yourself: “Does everything relate harmoniously to everything else?””
“Being universal is the domain of the designer. A very large audience not a few people who are “in the know” has to know what you mean with those shapes, that color, and that image you chose.”
“Create contrasts in density and rhythm by pulling some material closer together and pushing other material further apart. Be rhytmic about it. Give the spaces between things a pulse by making some tighter and some looser unless, of course, you’re trying to make something dull, lifeless, and uninteresting.”
“Controlling the eye’s movement through, and creating harmonic relationships among, form elements….might be facilitated by creating a system of recognizable, repeated intervals to which both positive and negative elements adhere.”